Wednesday, April 11, 2012

Bento Lunch

You can pack this:

In this:

Jiji Thermal Bento Box Set -- Kiki's Delivery Service

Oh wait, I just noticed it's 68 dollars. Whoopsie.

Maybe this?

HANA-KEROSAN 2 Tired Bento Box w/ Trio Set

And you can cut out a cute sandwich shape with this:

New SAND de PANDA -- Clover ~ Push Style Easy Sandwich Maker

I love bento. You can read this:

Yum-Yum Bento Box: Fresh Recipes for Adorable Lunches

to get the lowdown on how to make lunch SUPER CUTE!


  1. I loooove bento! Who wouldn't want to open a lunchbox full of cute every day?

  2. I want to open a lunch box full of cute! I'd really like to learn more about how to really do this kind of stuff more often...:)

  3. Ahhh, bento! You know those moms who have fresh baked cookies ready as an after school snack? Well, this is their way of doing lunch! So super cute! That penguin! I love it!

    Sorry I'm behind, but I must share one more thing about the sprinkle fest post-- yes! Wonderful!
    I read on bakerella once that you should stock up on certain types of sprinkles (like the black jimmies) that can be used as all sorts of stuff, like eyes, hair, I can't remember--a bunch of other stuff. Anyway, I did this once, stocked up! And then I left that bag at the store! Classic Whit!

    1. Oooh that's a good idea! We have no black sprinkles. I did that once in my life, in college. Went CHRISTMAS shopping for my family. Left the whole bag somewhere. I couldn't believe it! I never got it back either.

  4. Oh Melissa I like you so MUCH! and I always have so much working and don't have the internet at my apartment and never get to have any rainbowey hello kitty dance parties while reading your blog anymore so this is to say I miss you and HI! Also...I just discovered that here in SLC there is a Bento Truck, and every friday and saturday they stop at the southeast asain market right by my house and it is SO delicious and great and the best thing that ever happened to the city.

    1. Oh you are THE SWEETEST! Thank you sooooo much for all your kind words! Happiness! No internet at home? You must get so much done!!! :)


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